topology equivalent

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  1. State Estimation; Topology Estimation; Measurement Error; Equivalent Energy Consumer.
  2. About topology dynamic system in several set of points equivalent question
  3. The fluid network with unidirectional circuit was changed into that without unidirectional circuit by the topology relation's equivalent transform of the fluid network.
  4. It is obtained that a symmetric structure may determine one and only one topology, or one and only one equivalent partition;
  5. The traditional circuit topology analysis method is introduced to PEC by equivalent transforming the PEC to no-switch circuits.
  6. The drawing software can code grid topology automatically, and analyze the topology graph and search the equivalent data for simulations in PSS/ E data file automatically.
  7. Algorithm of Network Topology Analysis for Equivalent Impedance Calculation of Buses
  8. Analyse particularly the topology and operating modes of Phase-Shifting ( PS) Full-Bridge ( FB) Zero-Voltage Switched ( ZVS) converter and point out that these PS FB ZVS converter and Buck converter are equivalent topologically.
  9. In this paper, we discuss some local covering properties of 2 X with locally finite topology, and prove that some covering properties are equivalent to local properties in 2 X.
  10. By virtue of casting a certain symmetric function onto a set, the author discussed the relation of symmetric structure, topology and equivalent partition on the set.
  11. Sufficient and Necessary Condition for Topology Equivalent on Closed Set Lattice
  12. After the switched capacitor network is transformed from time-varying topology into time-invariant topology and z-domain models of equivalent resistance using switched capacitor is obtained, a 2nd-order switched capacitor ellipse filter can be realized by assembling z-domain model, capacitor and operational amplifier models.
  13. Current compensation superconducting fault current limiter is a novel topology of FCL which consists of an equivalent AC current source with a limiting resistance in parallel. It connects power system after in series with a transformer.
  14. Methods for topology equivalent uncoupling of distribution system
  15. The topology, compensation principle and equivalent electrical model of the new system are emphatically analyzed.
  16. After the topology structure of a five-axis NC machine is equivalent to a multi-body system, a model of spatial geometric error of the machine is created based on product-of-exponential formula ( POE formula).
  17. Specially analyses the Space Vector Modulation strategy. By given the equivalent AC/ DC/ AC topology of matrix converter, modulates on part of equivalent VSI and VSR with space vector. On the base of this the indirect Space Vector Modulation is obtained.
  18. Though node analysis, the whole topology process is composed by static production and dynamic tracking, which is realized by equivalent node analysis and substation island analysis. The method of BFS ( Broad First Search) is applied in topology analysis.